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Full hair in just a few hours - schedule an online consultation today!

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Full hair in just a few hours - schedule an online consultation today!

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Absolutely non-binding and free of charge!

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Our results

ALEX's new look

Transformation Alex - Experiences of our customersTransformation Alex - Experiences of our customers

Alex was practically born to be a model, but unfortunately his hair started thinning in his early twenties and by his late twenties he had a very deep receding hairline and very light patches. That's why he came to us at our Abrahairdabra flagship store in Vienna to start his transformation.

Steffen's New Look

Transformation Steffen - Experiences of our customersTransformation Steffen - Experiences of our customers

Steffen traveled all the way from Vorarlberg to Vienna to start a new life with his dream hairstyle. And lo and behold - in less than two hours, Steffen undergoes an incredible transformation.

Most frequent Q & A

What happens to the hair that grows back?

Your hair will grow back normally under the hair system. At intervals of around 2-4 weeks, you remove the hair system, shave the hair that has grown back and then reattach the cleaned system to your head. You can carry out this replacement process yourself at home or use our service.

What does a hair system cost?

Take a look at the pricing page!

Can I change the hair system myself?

Yes, practice makes perfect. The more often you carry out the changing process, the better the individual grips will fit. We prepare you for this process with a training course and provide you with the perfect support in the form of our explanatory videos. If you are unsure about the first few attempts, you are welcome to make use of our service until you have mastered the necessary steps perfectly.

Is the hair system suitable for everyday use?

Yes, whether wind, weather, sport or work. With the right care and choice of fastening products, you can do everything you enjoy without any problems. Simply talk to an Abrahairdabra consultant and let them share their experience with you or read our blog article about hair systems in everyday life!

In which cities do you exist?

At the moment we only have our flagship store in Vienna, where you are welcome to visit us spontaneously between 9am and 5:30pm. However, we will soon be opening more locations throughout Austria, including in Salzburg, Linz and Graz! Simply subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date!

What happens if I sweat a lot with a hair system?

It's no problem at all to sweat a lot with a hair system - with the right products and the right technique, you can do anything you want with your hairpiece - sports, swimming, yoga - it doesn't matter. Read here about the most important tricks to ensure that your hair system stays in place even when sweating in summer

Can I go swimming with a hair system?

Of course, you can also go swimming with a hair system - with the right tips, the hairpiece will also stay in place under water. Read more here about the technique and the most important points on how to wear your hair system while swimming!

Do I need more than one hair system?

In principle, you are in good hands with one hair system. However, we recommend at least two hair systems for the following reasons:

  • It facilitates and shortens the duration of a change process, especially as you don't have to wait for the cleaning products to soak in.
  • Alternating the hair systems gives the hair time to recover from time to time and thus prolongs its durability.
  • We cut the systems one after the other at your appointment. This saves you time for another cut in the future.

If you buy more than one hair system, you will benefit from our instant bonus.

How long does the hair system last?

The durability is basically individual, as it depends on various factors, such as the stress on the system in everyday life and adherence to all recommended care routines. In general, the durability increases the more experienced you become in the correct handling of the hair system. We will provide you with everything you need through on-site training, care products and video tutorials. If you follow these instructions and have developed a good routine, you can wear an Abrahairdabra system for up to 6 months.

How long does it take to get an appointment?

The most important prerequisite for an appointment to cut your first hair system is the length of your side hair. In order for us to determine the perfect color and create a natural transition between your own hair and the hair system, you need to let it grow to at least 2 cm. If these requirements are met, it usually takes no longer than three weeks to make your transformation possible.

Why a hair system and not a hair transplant?

Hair transplants have become commonplace, but very few men are aware of the hidden problems - read our blog article on hair transplants.

Can I do sports with a hair system?

Of course you can do sports with a hair system - maybe you even have friends from the fitness center who wear a hairpiece in the sauna or on the treadmill and you haven't noticed it yet! Read more about hair systems for sports in our blog article.

Can you feel a hair system when you wear it on your head?

It really is unbelievable, but hair systems feel just like your own hair. You will only notice that you have a hairpiece on your head in very rare situations. Find out more about this question in our blog article on wearing comfort!

Is there any customer experience to see?

Of course! Many of our happy customers have also let us record a video - just take a look at our customer testimonials page and you'll see how happy they were with their new lease of life!