Why hair system and not hair transplantation

Why a hair system and not a hair transplant?

If you're considering a hair transplant, you may be wondering if it's the right choice for you. While hair loss can be very distressing, there are several reasons why a hair system may be a better option than a transplant.

Hair transplants are not the only solution for hair loss.

For hair loss, a hair system is definitely a better option than a transplant. It's much less invasive and you can have it done at any time, unlike transplants which have to be done under general anesthesia. Many people worry about going bald or losing their original hair forever after a transplant, but with a system you can change your look at will without worrying about surgery or scars!

You will find that most people prefer an immediate solution to a problem that doesn't require several months of recovery time and carries potential risks.

Fitting a hair system takes around 2 hours in the studio - there is no need to undergo painful procedures like a transplant. There are no side effects to using these systems, so there's nothing to stop you trying out your new look!

You can always get a new hair system.

Hair systems are a great option for anyone who wants to avoid the hassle of a hair transplant. Basically, a hair transplant often cannot achieve the same effect as a hair system, as only your own hair is used and this is often not as thick as you would like it to be. This problem can easily be solved with a hair system. You can always get a new system if you want a different style or color or if you want to change your hairline. This means you have several options when it comes to changing your look.

A hair system is much less invasive than a hair transplant.

A hair system is much less invasive than a hair transplant.

  • No cuts in the scalp
  • No anesthesia required
  • No recovery time
  • No leave of absence from work required.
  • You don't have to go to hospital
  • There are no travel costs or costs for a doctor or anesthesia.

Hair transplants are not suitable for everyone.

Hair transplants are not suitable for everyone. Hair transplantation is an invasive procedure and is not suitable for all patients as it involves anesthesia, skin damage and bleeding. There is also a high risk of complications such as infection or scarring, which may need to be corrected by an additional surgical procedure.

There are a variety of causes for hair loss: Genetics, hormonal changes, medication and stress can all lead to hair loss at some point in your life. If you suffer from severe alopecia (complete lack of hair on the scalp), you should first consider other methods of treating this condition rather than opting for invasive procedures such as a hair transplant. A good example of this is people who suffer from Alopecia Areata - an autoimmune disease of the immune system that leads to bald patches on the head (in this case, a transplant is not possible). A hair system is therefore the better choice in many cases!

No anesthesia is required for a hair system.

  • No anesthesia is required for a hair system.
  • No injection is required and no medical intervention is necessary.
  • No recovery time is required once the hair system is in place - you can go about your everyday life immediately after application.
  • In contrast to the FUE or strip method of hair transplantation, where patients often experience pain and discomfort for days after the procedure, there is no pain or swelling when a hair system is glued on.
  • Bruising and bleeding are also eliminated when opting for a hair system, making it a much less painful experience than other methods of surgical hair restoration (such as FUT/strip).

A hair system is worn immediately - no waiting for waxing.

With a hair system, you can wear the hair immediately. Unlike with a hair transplant, you don't have to wait until the transplanted hair has grown long enough to style it. You also have the option of wearing your new look immediately in everyday life, on special occasions or for swimming and sunbathing if you wish. You'll see how quickly you'll get used to your new look!

There are many reasons to opt for a hair system instead of a hair transplant.

Although a hair transplant may seem attractive at first glance, you should bear in mind that there are several reasons why you should opt for a hair system instead of a transplant. Basically, unlike grafts, which require daily maintenance to continue to grow and survive, the systems are completely removable and have no effect on your natural hair once removed. This means that you can wear them whenever it suits you - be it everyday, at work or at social events - without having to worry about damaging your natural hair!


The best way to find out if a hair system is right for you is to try it out. It's easy to get a system. It takes very little time and there are no side effects or pain. So why don't you give it a try?

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