Interesting facts about hair systems

Hair systems are high-tech and - while simple to use - there is a universe of knowledge surrounding the subject. Find out more about all our products, but also about the causes of the basic problem - too little hair!

With hair systems from Abrahairdabra you won't see any roots
Experience and everyday life with hair systems

Can you see the roots of a hair system?

A hair system is a great way to instantly give yourself a long, full head of hair. However, it can be disappointing when you see the roots and the natural look of your hair is lost.

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Hair systems stay where they should be even when swimming
Experience and everyday life with hair systems

Can I go swimming with a toupee?

Toupees and wigs are a perfectly acceptable solution for people who suffer from hair loss or thinning hair. A common question that arises is whether a toupee

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Hair systems are perfect for everyday use
Experience and everyday life with hair systems

Do hair systems affect my everyday life?

Hairpieces, such as wigs, toupees and hair systems, are increasingly being used by people to enhance their appearance and boost self-confidence. Although these hairpieces can be a great solution,

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When does second hair make sense
Fastening and use of hairpieces

When does second hair make sense?

Are you wondering when second hair makes sense? Quite simply, always. Second hair, or rather hair systems, can be worn by anyone, anytime and anywhere. If you are happy with your current

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