Hair system Austria

Hair system Austria

You've come to the right place to take your first steps with a hair system. What is a hair system and where can you get one in Austria?

What are hair systems?

A hair system is a hairpiece that is glued to the scalp. It is made from natural hair and looks as if you have a full head of hair.

Hair systems are a wonderful way to get a full head of hair again. The fashionable and affordable hair systems from AbraHairDabra are the best way to have a full head of hair again. There are different types of hair systems and they can be designed to look natural and very similar to your own hair.

How do hair systems work?

A hair system works as follows. First, we check whether it is necessary and possible to wear a hair system at all. During a consultation, the hair color is determined and the system is chosen. There are different systems: French lace, Swiss lace and foil systems. The hairpiece is made from 100% human hair. The system is glued to the scalp with a special skin-friendly adhesive and is absolutely secure. The hair can then be styled. Within just two hours you will have a full head of hair and can start your new life!

Where in Austria can I get a hair system?

The best place to get a hair system in Austria is at AbraHairDabra in Vienna. AbraHairDabra specializes in second hair systems for men. So if you are thinking about trying out a hair system, get in touch with AbraHairDabra now!

Can you sweat under a hair system?

Yes, you can sweat normally under the hair system. The systems are manufactured in such a way that they are breathable. This allows the scalp underneath to breathe and sweat to evaporate. It is therefore perfectly possible to do sports with a hairpiece as sweat cannot harm the hairpiece.

Can you see it when I wear a hair system?

A hairpiece is absolutely invisible. Your friends will admire your full head of hair and won't notice that you are wearing a hairpiece. This is possible because the color is matched to your hair color. The density and texture of your hair corresponds to the hairpiece. The hairpiece itself is made of human hair. There is therefore a seamless transition between your hair and the hairpiece. The new hair can then be styled so that you leave the studio with your new hairstyle and a new attitude to life!

How long can hair systems be used?

Hair systems can be used for months, over six months. It is important to use the right care products that are suitable for hair systems. This will ensure that nothing stands in the way of your new style lasting a long time.

Can you feel a hair system?

A hair system feels real even when you run your hand through your hair. Nobody will notice that you are wearing a hair system. You yourself will be surprised how good your new hair system feels.

Does the hair under a hair system need to be shaved?

The hair under the hair system must be shaved off so that the skin-compatible adhesive can set in. As your hair grows back slowly, it also needs to be shaved every few weeks. However, as the hair system can be easily removed with the appropriate products, this is a quick and simple procedure that you can either carry out yourself or have done quickly by the professionals in the studio in Vienna.

Are hair systems restrictive?

You can do everything with your hair system that you would do with your hair. Whether you want to play sports, swim or do other physical activities, everything is possible with your new hair system!

Hair systems in Austria

Hair systems can be designed to look natural and very similar to your own hair! We want to offer you the best hair system available. So take some time today to find out what's best for your situation and lifestyle. At the AbraHairDabra hair studio in Vienna in the loft of the former Ankerbrotfabrik, you'll get quick and discreet advice! Come to AbraHairDabra today and talk to us about your transformation to more self-confidence!

PS: Soon we will also be opening locations in Salzburg, Innsbruck, Graz and Linz!

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