What exactly is the process of hair loss?

What exactly is the process of hair loss?

Hair loss is defined as the loss of hair on the scalp. It is a relatively common phenomenon that occurs in many people, both men and women, at some point in their lives. Hair loss can be caused by various factors, including genetic predisposition, stress, hormonal changes and medical conditions such as thyroid problems or lupus. But what exactly is the process of hair loss?

At the beginning of the process, the follicle sheds its hair

At the beginning of the process, the follicle sheds its hair and enters a resting phase. This process is known as catagenesis or the "hair regression phase". The growth cycle of your hair consists of two phases: Anagenesis and telogenesis. In anagenesis, the hair grows long and healthy; in telogenesis, the body loses the old hair and grows new strands to replace it.

At some point, your follicle stops growing back and sheds

At some point, your follicle stops growing back and sheds. After a few weeks or months, a new strand of hair begins to grow from the underside of the follicle. It grows upwards through the other layers until it reaches its full length after about three months. Then it has reached its final growth phase: the anagen (growing) phase.

This process is normal and is repeated again and again. This is also the reason why we normally lose between 80 and 100 hairs a day.

In the case of hair loss, however, the hair stops growing back as usual after the resting phase.

This is the reason why the hair becomes less and less, as the hair continues to fall out but does not grow back.

This phase is known as androgenetic alopecia and affects both men and women.

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. AGA affects both men and women, but is more common in men; around 50% of all men suffer from some degree of hair loss by the age of 60.

Some symptoms are:

  • Thinning or receding hair at the temples or on the forehead
  • A wider parting when the hair at the top of the head is thinning
  • Changes in the texture and shape of the eyebrows

The main cause of this type of hair loss is hormones called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the hair follicles

The main cause of this type of hair loss is hormones called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the hair follicles. DHT is produced by the oil glands in the scalp, which can shrink and produce weaker and finer hair strands. It also causes the hair follicles to stop producing new hair.

DHT is a type of androgen hormone that is formed from testosterone by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, which converts it into a more potent form known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone can have several negative effects on male body parts, including slowing penile growth during puberty, voice loss, increased facial hair growth (including sideburns), reduction in muscle mass, increased fat storage around the waist and shrinkage of the testicles.

DHT is produced when androgen (a male hormone) binds to an enzyme in the oil glands called 5-alpha-reductase.

DHT is a hormone that is produced when one of the male hormones (androgens) in your body binds to an enzyme in the oil glands called 5-alpha-reductase. As a result of this chemical reaction, DHT causes your follicles to shrink and produce weaker and finer strands of hair, until eventually no new hair can grow from that follicle at all.

This is the reason why men go bald: They have higher testosterone levels than women, which causes more DHT to accumulate on their scalp over time.

DHT then causes your follicles to shrink and produce weaker and finer hair strands until eventually no new hair can grow from that follicle at all.

When DHT attaches to the receptors on your scalp, it shrinks the hair follicles and weakens them, causing them to produce finer, weaker strands of hair. Eventually, this process causes your body to stop producing new hair altogether, leading to permanent baldness in many men (and some women).

There are many factors that influence the health of your hair!

Now that you know how hair loss occurs, you should also know the causes. There are many factors that influence the health of your hair! These include genetic factors, stress and diet.

To summarize

There are many solutions for hair loss. Get comprehensive information about a new solution now: Hair systems from Abrahairdabra! Hair systems give you back the look of healthy, full hair! Get in touch now and find out more!

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