Hair systems stay where they should be even when swimming

Can I go swimming with a toupee?

Toupees and wigs are a perfectly acceptable solution for people who suffer from hair loss or thinning hair. A common question that arises is whether you can go swimming with a toupee.

Basically, the answer depends on the type of toupee. Synthetic toupees are generally not suitable for use in water as they are not waterproof and the moisture can damage the materials. If you go swimming with a synthetic toupee, permanent deformation or damage may occur.

Hair systems are the better solution!

Human hair toupees, also known as hair systems, are generally waterproof and can be worn while swimming as they are glued directly to the scalp. A silicone-based adhesive should always be used. However, it is important to note that even human hair toupees are not infinitely durable and that moisture can damage the hair if it is in contact with water for long periods of time. To minimize the risk of damage, you should dry the hair system thoroughly after swimming and use the right care products.

Chlorinated water damages the hair system!

It is also important to note that chlorine in swimming pool water can also be harmful to the hair. It is therefore advisable to wear a swimming pool cap to protect your hair.

If you want to go swimming with your hair system, it is best to follow the manufacturer's or hairdresser's instructions. An expert in secondary hair systems can also give you tips on how to properly care for and clean your human hair toupee to prolong its life. The choice of special care and cleaning products is extremely important.

Swimming with hair systems - Conclusion:

To summarize, it is possible to go swimming with a hair system, but it is important to take precautions to avoid damage. Synthetic toupees should not be worn while swimming to avoid damage. If you are unsure how to go swimming with your hair system, consult one of our experts to get the best possible result.

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