Über 100+ 5 Sterne Rezensionen

A whole year
with a full head of hair

VIP Package -

All-round carefree package with
monthly payment from as little as

167€ /month

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100% naturalness

Abrahairdabra has made it its goal to give men with hair loss back their original attitude to life - but not in any way, but with a special focus: it should not be noticeable and look 100% natural.

Enjoy the Abrahairdabra effect for a whole year: full hair, 100% natural and authentic look - simply look like you used to.

As a VIP you get everything you need:

A whole year
with a full head of hair

VIP Package -

All-round carefree package with
monthly payment from as little as

167€ /month


Alex was practically born to be a model, but unfortunately his hair started thinning in his early twenties and by his late twenties he already had very deep receding hairlines and very light patches. That's why he came to us at our Abrahairdabra flagship store in Vienna to start his transformation and take a chance on a hair system.


Manuel traveled all the way from Linz to Vienna to start a new life with his dream hairstyle. And lo and behold - in less than two hours, Manuel undergoes an incredible transformation.


Dominik also gets his new attitude to life with Abraharidabra. Here, too, the difference is huge - he was already a feshak before, but now he's even more handsome 😀

The hair system holds the...

DAs VIP-Paket: Einfachheit und Exklusivität

Nur 167€ pro Monat!

Stell Dir vor, Du könntest auf eine umfassende Lösung zugreifen, die Dir nicht nur ein individuelles Haarsystem bietet, sondern auch einen ganzjährigen Service – das ist das VIP-Paket. Für eine monatliche Pauschale von 167€ erhaltest Du Zugriff auf Premium-Haarsysteme, persönliche Beratung, regelmäßige Anpassungen und vieles mehr.


  • Lass Dir Dein Haar perfekt anpassen und stylen
  • Exklusive Pflegeprodukte inklusive

VIP Package:

167€ /month

How is the monthly installment made up?

Der genaue monatliche Ratenpreis sowie auch die Anzahl der Raten des VIP Membership Paketes hängen davon ab, welche bestimmten Systeme Du haben willst. Unterschiedliche Systeme haben unterschiedliche Lebensdauer und sind für jeweils unterschiedliche Frisuren besser geeignet (Sydney™ für Locken mit den Haaren nach vorne getragen, Vienna™ für glatte Haare nach hinten getragen). Daher ist es möglich, mit drei oder aber auch mit vier Systemen ein Jahr lang auszukommen – je nachdem, welcher Style Dir besser gefällt und was besser zu Deinem Typ passt. Klar ist auch: je mehr Systeme Du bestellst, umso größer wird Dein Rabatt!

Is my package individually tailored to me?

We put together the "year with hair" individually for you - if you want, you can also mix different systems and wear a different hairstyle (curls / straight, color, etc.) every now and then - always with the guaranteed Abrahairdabra effect!

100% naturalness?

As always, the 100% natural and authentic look is Abrahairdabra's top priority! If you want to find out more about our Genuinity™ hair systems, check out our information page about hair systems!

You want to test first?

We also have a special offer for skeptics and/or the undecided:

Abrahairdabra CEO Michael Preiss wears a Vienna Hair System


  • For the 2-month test run
How does it work?

With our Genuinity™ technology, we have developed our own hair system for testing purposes, which picks you up particularly gently and carefully introduces you to the feeling of "Now I have hair on my head again": the Vienna light™ system.

Is this suitable for me?

Its particularly thin foil is particularly suitable for gaining initial experience with hair systems, and the asymmetrical sealing, specially developed for trial and error, slowly guides you towards your old hair. After a month, you can then decide whether you want to say a clearer "YES!" to your new lifestyle - we look forward to your answer!

Do I get everything I need?

This package also includes all the care, cleaning and adhesive products you need to start your new lifestyle.