Hair loss, also known as alopecia, can have many causes. It is not always a sign of a serious illness. Sometimes it is genetic, and sometimes it is caused by an underlying medical problem or stress. Here are some common causes of hair loss:
- Genetic hair loss
- Medical hair loss
- Stress-related hair loss
Hair loss is common, but that doesn't mean you should ignore it. If you notice anything unusual about your scalp or body hair, you should first consult a doctor.
Hair loss occurs in many men
Many men suffer from hair loss, and there are a number of different causes. Some common types of hair loss in men are:
- Alopecia areata
- Alopecia totalis
- Alopecia universalis
- Androgenetic alopecia
Hair loss is caused by ageing, illness or other factors that cause hair to fall out faster than it can grow back.
The causes of hair loss have not yet been fully researched scientifically. However, there are some approaches that point to the following causes.
Hair loss is caused by ageing, illness or other factors that cause hair to fall out faster than it can grow back. Aging is the most common cause of hair loss. The body produces about 1/2 inch (1 cm) of new hair per month. As we age, the rate of growth slows and the time each strand of hair spends in the active growth phase shortens; as a result, hair becomes thinner and shorter over time.
Hair loss can also be due to hormonal changes, which can be triggered by the following activities:
- Inadequate nutrition, e.g. iron deficiency anemia
- Stress
- Smoking
Hair loss can also be caused by illnesses, such as: Diseases of the scalp, thyroid disease or anemia.
Hair loss is genetic
There are things in life that feel like fate. They just happen and you can't explain them. Hair loss is one such case. Some people lose their hair at a young age, others only as they get older. It's not surprising that genetics plays a role in this - and even less surprising that our genes can be passed on from parents to children via DNA.
It has been found that mutations in the genetic code can cause hair loss. This can happen as a result of certain diseases (such as cancer) or simply through time itself - it's a natural process that occurs over generations. In fact, there are different types of genetic mutations that cause baldness - some more common than others.
Hair loss can be caused by smoking and poor nutrition.
- Smoking
Even if this has not yet been fully scientifically proven, smoking can be seen as one of the causes of hair loss. And it's not just about smoking cigarettes: Cigars, pipes and marijuana can cause hair loss in men and women alike. People who smoke generally have a higher risk than non-smokers of developing various diseases such as asthma or lung cancer, which affect the body's immune system. If you already suffer from a disease such as lupus (a disease of the skin and joints), you should definitely refrain from smoking. It can't hurt to cut down on smoking and even quit altogether if you are experiencing hair loss.
- Diets that are too hard
A poor diet can also cause hair loss. These include
- A lack of B vitamins and vitamins C, D or E in your diet
- Excessive alcohol, caffeine or sugar consumption
- Anemia due to iron deficiency
Hair loss due to stress
Stress can also cause hair loss. In fact, stress is one of the most common causes of hair loss. When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol and other hormones into your bloodstream. These hormones can increase blood pressure and cause chemical changes in your body that affect the health of your hair follicles.
Stress-related hair loss usually begins at the temples, above the ears and on the crown of the head. The first receding hairline appears. Hair can also thin out in other areas of the scalp. Some people experience significant hair loss due to stress, while others only notice a slight thinning.
It is important to find out the cause of your hair loss in order to find the best solution for you.
The bottom line is that it is important to find out the cause of your hair loss in order to find the best solution for you. If you are suffering from severe hair loss, you should first consult a doctor to find out the cause.
In such a situation, a hair system from Abrahairdabra could be the perfect solution for you to conceal your hair loss and give you back a full head of hair.
If you are suffering from hair loss, it is important to find out what is causing it and how it can be treated. If you would like to have thick hair again despite hair loss, please contact us for advice.